I subscribe to myyogaonline.com which is an extremely inexpensive way to take yoga classes. I try to sign up for their challenges when posted and do the best I can. When it's a 21 day challenge, it is hard to do all 21 days. This particular challenge includes a 3 day detox. I'm a little afraid of that (I'm a very picky eater) but we'll see how it all plays out. I will do my best to blog this 21 day journey. Today, I will include Day 1 and Day 2.
Week 1 is focused on Strength and Tone.
Yesterday's video was labeled "Commit". As I feel I'm pretty out of shape, I found it very difficult to complete but, with a couple of breaks, I made it through. I'm trying to focus on increasing my water intake as I know this will help with muscle soreness and got through yesterday OK. Woke up fairly sore this morning.
Today's was labeled "Focus". This was pretty advanced. Included headstands and crow pose, some other balances I don't the know the name of. Otherwise, I was able to get through and modify where needed. Interestingly, I was able to do more than I thought I would, especially working off of yesterday's soreness.
Now, I have a Goal. I want to be able to do a head stand. So, I was just talking to Hubs and I say I want to do it by the end of the year. He says move it up. I say June. He says March. As Barnie Stinson would say, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!
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